Wednesday 17 July 2013

Smart Goggles!

What is it:
An unusual way of checking pupil progress and confidence.

How does it work:
Sell to pupils that you will be checking how they are getting on in their learning via the 'smart goggles' test.  As pupils finish a task they put on their 'smart goggles' (see image for variations), those who finish learning tasks quickly can then be given an extension task or turned into experts who are to assist others in their work, with the goal being that everyone in the lesson gets to show how 'smart' they are in their 'smart goggles'.  For those needing help or feel like they are struggling with a concept, they can show their brains are on fire (hands to heads and fingers flailing like fire).

This works best in classes were pupils are less confident in showing they need help to progress in their learning, as it leaves the raising of hands behind.

Possible adaptations???
  • Holiday themed hand signals - Reindeer antlers/elvish ears

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